8/07/2014 Add Comment

Pada era digital seperti saat ini, smartphone bukan hanya sekedar alat untuk melakukan panggilan atau berkirim pesan saja. Namun  smartphone kini memiliki fungsi yang sangat beragam, mulai dari kamera, browsing, sistem navigasi, games, penyimpanan data, catatan hingga jadwal dan agenda penting anda. Berkat banyaknya fungsi dan manfaat yang di dapat , kini smartphone menjadi gaya hidup warga dunia. Hal ini didukung dengan desain yang menawan dengan pilihan warna yang beraneka ragam yang dapat menggambarkan pribadi anda.

 ZenFone – Smartphone Luar Biasa untuk Semua Orang

Zenfone merupakan kombinasi yang sempurna antara teknologi dan gaya. Dengan didukung prosesor canggih Intel® dan teknologi ASUS Zen UI, memungkinkan anda menikmati fitur-fitur canggih yang tidak didapat pada smartphone lain. Zenfone juga telah dilengkapi lapisan Corning®Gorilla® Glass 3 yang mempunyai daya tahan lebih baik terhadap goresan. Zenfone di dukung Sistem Operasi Android 4.3 Jelly Bean (Upgradeable to Android 4.4 KitKat) dan Dual SIM. Untuk menghadirkan kemewahan bagi penggunanya, Zenfone di desain dengan material berkualitas tinggi yang membuat smartphone ini tampak lebih indah. Dengan berbagai fitur-fitur canggih yang dimiliki, Zenfone merupakan smartphone sempurna yang dapat membantu melakukan hal-hal penting dalam hidup anda. 

Berikut adalah produk ASUSZenfone Series :

Zenfone 4 (Smartphone dengan Layar 4 Inci)

Smartphone dengan layar 4 inci  ini mempunyai spesifikasi yang menawan dibanding smartphone lain di kelasnya. Dengan didukung RAM 1 GB dan storage  8GB + 5GB ASUS WebStorage (Gratis Seumur Hidup) ditambah MicroSD card hingga 64GB membuat Zenfone 4 dapat menyediakan tempat yang melimpah untuk menyimpan foto, video, aplikasi dan lain-lain. Zenfone 4 sangat mudah untuk dipersonalisasikan karena cover belakangnya dapat ditukar dengan pilihan warna Charcoal Black, Pearl White, Cherry Red, Sky Blue dan Solar Yellow. Dengan segudang fitur yang ditawarkan, ASUS Zenfone 4 hanya dibandrol mulai Rp. 1.099.000.

Spesifikasi Lengkap ASUS Zenfone 4 : ASUS Zenfone 4

Zenfone 5 (Smartphone dengan Layar 5 Inci)

Smartphone dengan layar 5 inci ini dilengkapi layar IPS HD 1280x720 with 1780wide view angle, dengan kerapatan piksel yang sangat tinggi (tetinggi dalam Zenfone Series) yaitu 294ppi sehingga anda dapat melihat teks atau foto dengan sangat jelas dan tajam. Zenfone 5 di desainmelengkung yang ergonomis di bagian tengah dengan ketebalan hanya 5,5 mm dengan berat hanya 145 gr sehingga anda akan lebih nyaman untuk menggenggamnya. Zenfone 5 sendiri tersedia dalam pilihan warna Charcoal Black, Pearl White, Cherry Red, Champagne Gold dan Twilight Purple. ASUS Zenfone 5 dipasarkan mulai Rp. 2.199.000.
*Maaf atas kesalahan harga pada gambar 

Spesifikasi Lengkap ASUS Zenfone 5 : ASUS Zenfone 5

Zenfone 6 (Smartphone dengan Layar 6 Inci)

Smartphone dengan layar 6 inci ini dilengkapi dengan RAM 2GB dengan storage  16GB + 5GB ASUS WebStorage (Gratis Seumur Hidup). Selain itu Zenfone 6 dibekali dengan kamera 13 MP (belakang) dan 2 MP (depan). Tidak hanya itu, smartphone ini memiliki kapasitas baterai yang besar yaitu 3300 mAh. Zenfone 6  tersedia dalam pilihan warna Charcoal Black, Pearl White, Cherry Red dan Champagne Gold. ASUS Zenfone 5 dipasarkan mulai Rp. 3.099.000.

Spesifikasi Lengkap ASUS Zenfone 6 : ASUS Zenfone 6 


ASUS ZenUI –  Antarmuka dengan Tampilan yang Kreatif dan Inovatif

Zenfone merupakan salah satu perangkat ASUS yang dilengkapi dengan ZenUI, antarmuka baru khusus untuk pengguna ASUS yang tidak dimiliki android lain pada umumnya. Dengan desain visual baru yang dibuat agar lebih efisien, dengan icon modern, tema-tema warna, animasi yang indah, ringtone dan nada notifikasi baru, serta layout yang bersih demi menayangkan informasi yang jelas bagi pengguna sehingga memudahkan untuk melakukan segala aktifitas dengan cepat dan mudah. Misalnya adanya Quick Accsess yang mempermudah pengguna untuk mengakses aplikasi tertentu dengan cepat seperti GPS, Smart saving, One hand operation,dsb.

FREE YOU  –  Atur segala jadwal anda dengan cepat dan mudah. Dapatkan produktivitas tinggi dengan ASUS Zenfone.

EXPRESS YOU  –  Ekspresikan pikiran dan perasaan dengan teman atau keluarga melalui media komunikasi pada ASUS Zenfone.

CONNECT YOU  –  Interaksi dengan kerabat anda, akses data dan informasi dengan mudah dimana saja.

What’s Next Atur seluruh  kegiatan anda dengan mudah dan menarik

Anda tidak perlu membawa buku catatan lagi karena kini tersedia fitur What’s Next yang akan menunjukan semua informasi sesuai dengan waktunya, seperti jadwal meeting, cuaca di tempat tujuan, adanya miscall/SMS/email baru, dan sebagainya. Icon lucu akan muncul apabila aktivitas anda sudah harus dilakukan. Anda juga dapat mengetahui aktivitas yang harus dilakukan untuk jam ataupun hari berikutnya. Jadi tidak akan ada lagi momen-momen penting anda yang terlewatkan.

Tampilan What’s Next pada Lock Screen
Tampilan What’s Next pada Home Screen

Do It Later Lakukan Hal yang Tertunda dengan Mudah

Sibuk kini bukan jadi halangan. Ada Do it Later yang akan membantu anda kembali ke kegiatan yang tertunda hanya dalam 1 klik. Misalnya, anda sedang membaca artikel. Karena ada hal lain yang harus dikerjakan, anda dapat memasukkannya ke list “baca kemudian”. Hanya dengan kilk “baca sekarang” anda akan terhubung kembali dengan artikel tersebut. Bukan hanya pada bacaan saja, namun aplikasi ini memungkinkan anda melakukan hal-hal yang tertunda, mulai dari membalas pesan sampai menelpon kembali panggilan yang tidak terjawab. Aplikasi ini tela teintegrasi secara langsung dengan Phone, E-Mail, Message, ASUS Browserdan aplikasi populer lainnya. Semua berkat teknologi ASUS ZenUI.

Pixel Master Kamera Smartphone Kualitas Profesional

Sebuah teknologi kamera eksklusif ASUS Zenfone yang dilnegkapi dengan kamera hingga 13 MP dengan BSI Sensor, Aperatur Besar f/2.0 dan Lensa 5-elemen yang memberikan kualitas foto yang tajam, jelas dan bekualitas. Dilengkapi dengan Image Signal Processor(ISP) sekelas kamera digital dan teknologi burst sehingga memungkinkan pengambilan 15 gambar tanpa jeda hanya dalam 1 detik. Selain itu teknologi ini memiliki fitur-fitur yang sangat menarik seperti Selfie Mode, HDR, Beautification, Depth of Field, Smart Remove, Panorama, Miniature, All Smiles. Dua fitur PixelMaster tambahan, yaitu Low-light Mode dan Time Rewind juga hadir di Zenfone 5 dan Zenfone 6.

Low-light Mode Abadikan Foto & Video dalam Gelap hingga  400% lebih Terang

Teknologi PixelMaster dapat meningkatkan sensivitas cahaya hingga 400% dan kontra hingga 200% sehingga mampu menghasilkan gambar yang terang dan jelas dalam keadaan gelap meskipun tanpa menggunakan flash.

Time Rewind Takkan ada Momenmu yang Terlewatkan

 Mode ini mampu mengambil foto 2 detik sebelum dan 1 detik sesudah menekan tombol kamera sehingga anda dapat memilih dengan mudah momen anda untuk mendapatkan hasil gambar terbaik.

Selfie Mode Gunakan Kamera Depan untuk Abadikan Momen Selfie

Kini Selfie tidak selalu menggunakan kamera depan. Mode ini memungkinkan anda untuk berfoto selfie dengan kamera depan karena kamera dapat secara otomatis mendeteksi wajah yang diinginkan.

Depth of Field Mode Serasa Kamera DLSR ada di Genggaman

Fitur yang sering dijumpai pada kamera profesional kini ada pada ASUS Zenfone yang memungkinkan anda mengambil foto dengan sangat tajam dan detail pada objek depan, sementara di latar belakang diberi sentuhan blur yang halus.

Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3 Pelindung Super Tahan dan Anti  Gores Terbaik

Corning® Gorilla®Glass 3 didesain 3x lebih kuat dari tipe sebelumnya. Hal ini membuat anda tidak membutuhkan screen protector tambahan untuk layar Zenfone anda. Kelebihan lainnya dari lapisan ini adalah anti sidik jari dan memberikan sentuhan yang sangat halus pada layar anda. Berikut beberapa fakta tentang lapisan Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3.

 Glove Touch Sentuh Zenfonemu dengan Sarung Tanganmu

Anda tetap bisa mengetik Meskipun  menggunakan sarung tangan. Ini berkat  Layar ASUS Zenfone memiliki panel layar sentuh ultra-sensitif yang dapat mendeteksi perubahan listrik bahkan magnet kecil.

Super Fast Download  Fasilitas “Eksklusif” Khusus untuk Anda

Karena keterbatasan data saya (penulis blog ini) maka saya mengutip dari Katalog ASUS Zenfone. ASUS Zenfone mendukung jaringan 3G tercepat, DC-HSPA + dengan kecepatan download hingga 42Mbps yang memungkinkan anda untuk mengunduh video 100MB dalam waktu kurang dari 20 detik (smartphone pada umumnya hanya memiliki kecepatan 21Mbps atau 7,2Mbps untuk download). Selain itu, Zenfone juga dilengkapi dengan Super High Perfomence Dual 3D-MID, antena yang memiliki peforma penerimaan sinyal wireless yang jauh lebih baik daripada smartphone pada umumnya di pasaran. Anda dapat merasakan perbedaannya ketika berada dalam ruangan seperti restoran, Zenfone anda dapat menerima sinyal lebih baik dan mendownload data lebih cepat. Namun kecepatan download bergantung pada ketersedian jaringan dari provider yang anda gunakan. Bagi pengguna internet, kedua fasilitas tersebut merupakan faktor penting untuk menunjang kebutuhan internet anda.

Dual Navigation Dual Navigasi Ganda : GPS dan Glonass

Mengutip dari Katalog ASUS Zenfone, ASUS ZenFone dilengkapi dengan sistem navigasi ganda, yaitu GPS  (Global Positioning System) dari Amerika dan GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite System) dari Rusia. Setiap sistem navigasi biasa hanya memiliki 24 satelit. Tetapi berbeda pada ZenFone yang dapat menggunakan total  48 satelit untuk memberikan posisi yang lebih tepat dan lebih cepat daripada ponsel lain yang hanya mendukung satu sistem navigasi GPS, terutama di kota-kota yang memiliki banyak bangunan tinggi.

Keunggulan menggunakan sistem navigasi ganda GPS +  GLONASS:
• CEPAT - 20% lebih cepat daripada sistem navigasi yang hanya menggunakan GPS
• AKURAT - 24 satelit tambahan dengan tingkat akurasi sampai kurang dari 15 meter dari lokasi aktual
• Mengunci lokasi lebih cepat di perkotaan atau dalam mobil yang sedang bergerak

Pernyataan – pernyataan mengenai ASUS Zenfone Series :

“A Zenfone for everyone !” - The Verge

“The Zenfone 4,5 and 6 all sport Intel® Atom™ processors and a range of exotic color options... Zen UI, that promises both simplicity and What’s Next feature for tracking daily schedule.”
- Engadget

“Dua fitur utama yang melengkapi ASUS ZenUI adalah What's Next  dan Do It Later. Fitur What's Next menempatkan informasi terkini  yang bermanfaat bagi pengguna. Informasi yang ditempatkan antara lain jadwal meeting, pesan dan panggilan tak terjawab dari daftar kontak, cuaca dan sebagainya.”

“Asus Zenfone, Ponsel Murah Tapi Gak Murahan.Lewat ZenFone, ASUS sukses bikin penasaran penggila gadget. Bagaimana tidak? Dengan prosesor ‘quad-core’ besutan Intel dan RAM 1GB yang dimilikinya, ponsel terbaru ASUS hanya dibanderol sebesar Rp 1,1 juta.”

Dengan segudang fitur yang ditawarkan, desain menawan,  performa terbaik di kelasnya serta harga yang terjangkau, menjadikan ASUS Zenfone sebagai Smartphone Android Terbaik saat ini
Load iCloud data without Apple ID: Password Breaker

Load iCloud data without Apple ID: Password Breaker

6/20/2014 Add Comment

The Russian company Elcomsoft has released a new version of the Phone Password Breaker, which can tap iCloud data without Apple ID for the first time.So far, the software for investigating authorities was only able to download data using iCloud Apple ID. In the new version this is possible even without Apple ID, if the access is to a computer using USB and activated iCloud . In this case,


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Our test shows: As good as the series has never been! Wolfenstein: The New Order plays like a classic shooter without being frumpy.

It's a pretty good year, this 1960 The famous Liverpudlian mop-tops occur the first time under the name The Beatles, and lay the foundation for an unparalleled career, John F. Kennedy is American president and Croatia (then part of Yugoslavia) moults peu à peu a
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Panda 4.0: Google screwed back on the algorithm

5/22/2014 Add Comment
Google has begun the rollout of Panda 4.0. It is still unclear how the revised algorithm will affect the search results.

Panda 4.0: Matt Cutts confirms new update

Google's guru Matt Cutts Webspam announced on Twitter that a new update of the search algorithm is traveling with Panda 4.0. Due to the official designation as Panda 4.0, we can expect a comprehensive update. Details of these
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Review: Acer Iconia Tab A1-830 in the test

5/20/2014 Add Comment

Really good tablet for under 200 euros are still a rarity. This reveals a number of manufacturers and try to do just that suitable products to bring to market. So even Acer, because with the Iconia A1-830, the manufacturer has introduced a mere 169 euros expensive 7.9 "tablet that will shine with a good build quality, a good screen and a solid performance. Whether the entry-level tablet has
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Linux for novices 10 basic commands to use in terminal

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The terminal is very simple yet extremely powerful, allows you to interact with the operating system without a GUI Is it not wonderful?

Although Linux distributions are becoming more complete and functional its GUI (English graphical user interface ), the terminal has always been and will be there for you and not the opposite , as you may have thought. In fact, in some distributions is the
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The most useful keyboard shortcuts in Windows 8

4/23/2014 Add Comment

The new operating system from Redmond is focused on its touchscreen use , ie with fingers in Modern UI interface. But most of the current users, some less fortunate, we use as the primary input device keyboard.

So today I bring you a selection of shortcut keys you use most in daily and increase working speed in Windows 8 in an important way. Although they are only a sample of the world, it is
50 tricks, trivia and hidden settings of Samsung Galaxy S5

50 tricks, trivia and hidden settings of Samsung Galaxy S5

4/21/2014 Add Comment

It has already reached the stores the new flagship of Samsung, the Galaxy S5. This new terminal brings many new features which we discussed at length but not only brings these new enhancements, but users after purchasing the terminal have been finding new extra features.

we'll show 50 Tips, trivia and hidden options that brings this Samsung Galaxy S5. You along with many videos, you can see
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S5 Samsung Galaxy, HTC One (M8) iPhone 5S, LG G2, Nexus 5, Sony Xperia Z1: comparison of cameras

4/19/2014 Add Comment

Today we offer a comparative cameras of the latest smartphones in the market. If you are unsure about which phone to buy, this article will help, especially if you are addicted to the "mobile photography".

With the wide range of smartphones currently on the market, deciding on one sometimes is a problem. The camera is one of the most important benefits for the general public, and today we
The iPhone 6 4.7 "will begin to be produced in July and 5.5" in September

The iPhone 6 4.7 "will begin to be produced in July and 5.5" in September

4/17/2014 Add Comment

New rumors trying to predict the release date of the iPhone 6, two versions of 4.7 "and 5.5", which could finally see the light both before the year end.

Like every year, one of the most repeated rumors are the release dates of Apple products. In 2014 we will see the successor of iPhone 5s, which not only change its name to iPhone 6, but it will come, as has been repeated ad nauseam, in two
What are Wi-Fi channels and how to choose the best for our network

What are Wi-Fi channels and how to choose the best for our network

4/15/2014 Add Comment

A few years ago there were hardly any wireless access points and nearly everyone resorted to twisted pair cable to exit the internet. Today it no longer occurs. The operators themselves offer Wi-Fi solutions to its customers without much difficulty. The problem is that the more such networks exist, also the more likely to suffer interference .

One of the most common solutions out there that
Search for contacts in Skype : Step by Step Guide (PHOTO)

Search for contacts in Skype : Step by Step Guide (PHOTO)

4/15/2014 Add Comment
Find friends, family and coworkers who are using Skype and add them to your contact list.

You can add a contact using your Skype user name (if known), or by importing multiple contacts from the address book of your email or from your Facebook account.

Once you've added your friends, you can call them for free and even do video conferencing with them or send instant messages and files. Also
10 functions of Google Chrome you probably did not know

10 functions of Google Chrome you probably did not know

4/14/2014 Add Comment

In browser wars, Google Chrome has been increasingly positioning itself as the winner in the future. With row updates, an awesome way to interpret the latest code and support of a titan like Google quickly, this browser is becoming the favorite . But that's not all: it also has a huge market extensions to personalize our web experience, having everything inside, from aggregates to manage
What is Heartbleed, how it affects you, and why you should change your passwords

What is Heartbleed, how it affects you, and why you should change your passwords

4/14/2014 Add Comment

One of the most serious security flaws that have plagued the Internet in its history: Heartbleed. We explain what it is, why we can all be affected, and that user can take measures to protect yourself.

Throughout the week the Internet is full of people discussing the same topic in network security . Can you have you heard about this, maybe not, and maybe that of Heartbleed and OpenSSL are
How to manually install the first update of Windows 8.1

How to manually install the first update of Windows 8.1

4/10/2014 Add Comment

If you do not receive the latest system update for Windows 8.1 launched this April 8th, and you can not wait, we tell you how to install the patches manually.

A couple of days ago I commented that the start menu back to Windows 8.1 . During the 2014 BUILD conference, Microsoft announced yesterday, April 8 (the same day of the death of Windows XP , it would be releasing the first major to
Guide for migrating from Windows XP to Linux

Guide for migrating from Windows XP to Linux

4/08/2014 Add Comment

It's over what was given, support Windows XP reaches its expected so no-one-for-purpose. On April 8 is right here, and if Linux is the way you chose, we can explain how to cross it.

If you have not yet made ​​a decision, that is not going to end the world if you're still using Windows XP, but is not a good idea . Already on multiple occasions, so that some should be starting to annoy, we
How to install and configure a Sega Saturn emulator

How to install and configure a Sega Saturn emulator

4/07/2014 Add Comment
We tell you which is the best Sega Saturn emulator available, how to install it on Linux, Windows and OS X, where you download the games and how to configure your controls.

Become Friday, and Friday was made. Although we skipped last week, we are back to resume our series of articles weekend to install a emulator consoles retro video games , and enjoy the nostalgia and happiness they bring
5 steps: How to upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7

5 steps: How to upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7

4/06/2014 Add Comment

Thinking of the most novice user who is in the awkward position of having to switch from Windows XP to a new system by the imminent arrival of the end of support, we have created this guide to help you solve the problem How to upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 by yourself. Whenever you're ready.

The million-dollar question. As many know, except for one who never read anything on the
Speed ​​up Google Chrome with this simple trick

Speed ​​up Google Chrome with this simple trick

4/04/2014 Add Comment

Today we bring you a little trick to speed up the Chrome browser on Android . This is a small option to enable developers to take advantage of features that get our smartphone. To do this, we simply have to go to the Chrome Flags section, accessible via the following link, and activate the option "Maximum number of mosaics area of interest" by placing it in 512 .

chrome :/ / flags / #
Samsung Galaxy mini S5 will have HD screen 4.5 ", 1.5GB of RAM and processor Qualcomm

Samsung Galaxy mini S5 will have HD screen 4.5 ", 1.5GB of RAM and processor Qualcomm

4/03/2014 Add Comment

The Samsung Galaxy S5 still has not officially hit the market after its presentation at the Mobile World Congress, it will in a few days, namely on April 11 in over 150 countries. However Samsung, like other large manufacturers, is a source of rumors continuously throughout the year.

Much has been rumored about a future existence of Samsung Galaxy mini S5 and now, from SamMobile website,
Google Keep 2.2 with new design, image search and more [Download APK]

Google Keep 2.2 with new design, image search and more [Download APK]

4/03/2014 Add Comment

Google has released version 2.2 of Google Keep , which is reaching users. With the arrival of this new version Google Keep has added a couple of new features, but certainly the first thing that attract our attention will be the new top bar, which now looks like a very attractive yellow color.

Many news app for Google notes

Officially Google has not yet updated the list of new features in
What you should know before upgrading to Windows 8.1?

What you should know before upgrading to Windows 8.1?

4/01/2014 Add Comment
Windows 8.1 officially arrive on October 18 as an upgrade to Windows 8. We analyze the latest news and how to update our system.

Windows 8 marked a turning point in Microsoft, a paradigm shift in the Windows operating system, in addition to aesthetic changes (and convergence with Windows Phone), constituted a change in the way of working of Microsoft and its " major updates "(avoiding
How to anchor any program, folder, or website to the home screen of Windows 8

How to anchor any program, folder, or website to the home screen of Windows 8

4/01/2014 Add Comment

While Microsoft added in Windows 8.1 the ability to boot directly to classic desktop, many have not enabled that option and still use the Start Screen ignorance or because they simply like. Although the default home screen only includes apps Metro that come installed, and if you install something new on occasion allows you to add direct accesses, there are many options that are buried
AMOLED vs IPS: explanation, advantages and disadvantages

AMOLED vs IPS: explanation, advantages and disadvantages

4/01/2014 Add Comment

One of the little wars among manufacturers of smartphones is given on screen, between AMOLED vs IPS. Here we explain the pros and cons of both easily.

We are in a time when more and give more importance to screen our smartphones . Not only look their size, but every time we care and try harder to see his actual quality.For a while I try to leave the best possible technical analysis on the
Windows 8: the list of commands from the Run

Windows 8: the list of commands from the Run

3/30/2014 Add Comment

Just missing arrival of Windows 8 , for this you should prepare from now to even know all the functions that were not put in evidence particularly, whenever we talked about the new operating system from Microsoft . Windows 8 has in fact much to discover, and if we're prepared to use it, we just have to get to work, learning time everything you need to know. Among the features of Windows 8 is not
First major update for Windows 8.1 come April 8

First major update for Windows 8.1 come April 8

3/28/2014 Add Comment

The next major update of the operating system Microsoft called Windows 8.1 Update 1 , will be available from 8 April, according to sources close to the company.

On April 8 we may be starting to receive the next major update of the operating system Windows , would come to incorporate major changes specifically targeted at users mouse and keyboard, as the platform has been out a little
The custom task bar in Windows 8.1

The custom task bar in Windows 8.1

3/28/2014 Add Comment

Windows 8.1 is the latest version proposed by Microsoft for all their computers, where they came to integrate certain elements that were previously present in previous reviews and because a factor manners, many of the users came to solicit insistently.

We are not just referring to the failed Button Start menu but also a few other options that Microsoft has decided to install in Windows 8.1,
Moto X - How to unlock the bootloader and root access

Moto X - How to unlock the bootloader and root access

3/27/2014 Add Comment

how to unlock the bootloader and root access The Moto X, so if you are one of those who have chosen as their new smartphone, maybe this tutorial interests you. Here we explain how to unlock the bootloader and root access. 
 © André Rigo / AndroidPIT
WARNING:  This procedure will erase ALL your data, making it necessary to perform a backup or backup. As usual, both unlock the bootloader and root
iPhone 5S: tricks and secrets [PHOTOS]

iPhone 5S: tricks and secrets [PHOTOS]

3/26/2014 Add Comment

Ready for a little ' tricks and tips on how to take full advantage of all the features of iPhone 5S , both the most prominent is the most hidden , almost secret ? Apple has set up a special page with all the tips and advice dedicated to the latest generation of the iPhone, let's extrapolate the most interesting and particular starting from the camera . If you want to take a picture on the fly
Install Unofficial CyanogenMod 11 on the Sony Xperia P (guide)

Install Unofficial CyanogenMod 11 on the Sony Xperia P (guide)

3/24/2014 Add Comment

The Sony Xperia P is a smartphone that has proved quite successful in 2012, the year when it was launched by Sony, and that is why it is quite popular. We are talking about a smartphone with 4-inch qHD display, 1GHz dual core processor and 1 GB of RAM, but unfortunately the Japanese manufacturer has decided that it will stop to Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean, so not getting the latest versions.

How to fix error 0x800CCC0F in Outlook (you can not connect to the server)?

How to fix error 0x800CCC0F in Outlook (you can not connect to the server)?

3/24/2014 Add Comment

If you try to send an email from Outlook get the error 0x800CCC0F , that is your PC is not able to connect to the server. There may be several factors that lead to this error. here the analyze in detail:

Option 1: Your antivirus is blocking the connection

Some types of antivirus have a mode that places them between the internet and your mail program, intercepting the messages that you send and
This is Android Wear

This is Android Wear

3/20/2014 Add Comment

Yesterday Google officially announced Android Wear , the adapted version of Google's mobile operating system for wearable devices, mainly for smart watches so fashionable that are being, being version Moto 360 and LG G Watch the first Android smartwatches Wear .

Still have to wait until this summer to get to market with the first watches Wear Android . During this time Google will improve the 
Google Search for Android adds new voice commands in English: record video and take photos

Google Search for Android adds new voice commands in English: record video and take photos

3/20/2014 Add Comment

A few days ago Google Search was updated to version 3.3 but today Google has announced another of his developments were not disclosed. They are about the new voice commands in English to record video and take pictures on Google search

Users who have configured their devices in English can now touch the microphone and say "Ok Google" followed by "Record a video" or "Take a photo" to open the
How to upload a PDF file to Facebook?

How to upload a PDF file to Facebook?

3/19/2014 Add Comment
A document format portable (PDF or portabledocument format) is an effective way to share information because it is possible to visualize in most operating systems with the capabilities of social networks like Facebook, a PDF can reach a wider audience . Whether you want to display a document that is related to your personal page or want to promote an event that your friends might enjoy, you can
How to clear the RAM on Mac

How to clear the RAM on Mac

3/19/2014 Add Comment
How to clear the RAM on a Mac ? Sometimes there really need to do this, especially when we feel the slowdowns that can also be unbearable. The problem is that the new processes need to have as much memory as possible. To achieve this, you must free the RAM of the computer.Maybe to many may seem like a complicated task to perform, but it is not so. Moreover, the operation of the memory management
How to improve the intensity of our WiFi signal with a beer can

How to improve the intensity of our WiFi signal with a beer can

3/18/2014 Add Comment

Often some domestic problems have simple homemade solutions that we can take more of a hurry. It is the case that I discussed today to improve our WiFi signal strength using a modest beer (or soda).

The idea is very simple: use the power of WiFi signal being "wasted" on our router antenna and focus it to where most interests us . How? For making the signal is reflected on a metal surface,
Gionee Elife E7, Chinese Smartphone with better specs than the Galaxy S5

Gionee Elife E7, Chinese Smartphone with better specs than the Galaxy S5

3/17/2014 Add Comment

Do not want to fall into the War of the specifications , but it seems inevitable. Gionee Elife E7 specifications surely stand as the most powerful smartphone on the market in almost every aspect. A first smartphone of the stunning view but we will try to discover a little its details.

Features and Specifications

We leave the list of specifications, which as you can see are the very best in
Crazy Taxi, the crazy driving game, free for limited time on Google Play

Crazy Taxi, the crazy driving game, free for limited time on Google Play

3/16/2014 Add Comment

The legendary game Crazy Taxi , which triumphed in Dreamcast, Sega Console, landed on Android last July . This driving game where every game is a fast paced madness takes us to a city where we have the highest number of runs can be achieved, leading to our customers at the time indicated.

In these journeys will find all kinds of obstacles, jumps and incredible stunts, which will only increase
Skype 2.6 for Windows 8: Messages and improved synchronization of call alerts

Skype 2.6 for Windows 8: Messages and improved synchronization of call alerts

3/14/2014 Add Comment

Microsoft continues the work of improvement and optimization of the functionality of Skype for Windows 8/8.1  , making further changes to the system content synchronization,  when you use the same account on multiple devices. A scenario that, in our day spent with Skype always on, it repeats quite frequently using a tablet PC and a Windows 8.1, together with a Windows Phone smartphone. In this
Track your phone location via WiFi

Track your phone location via WiFi

3/14/2014 Add Comment

You know that most smartphones , if not all, you have a GPS radius that is responsible for registering the location of the devices and hence the users carry in their pocket. The team makes use of this system, which in turn connects to a large group of satellites for a set of more or less exactly what our position on the map. It does more or less accurately, but the truth is that this is not the
All new iOS 7.1

All new iOS 7.1

3/14/2014 Add Comment
iOS 7.1 is finally available for all users, and unlike previous minor updates, this is full of changes and adjustments. This article will show you all the new iOS 7.1, visual interface changes and performance improvements.

At WWDC 2013 did not fail to impress as Apple had been able to reimagine and rewrite iOS in so little time. iOS 7 was a total renovation of the system, but failed to be as
'Gran Turismo 6' few surprises, a lot to play

'Gran Turismo 6' few surprises, a lot to play

3/14/2014 Add Comment

The line between the real driving games and virtual racing simulator close to this great success and path also addictive, it is true that contemplates a very accomplished realism. ' Gran Turismo 6 'icon for the Sony PlayStation console, highlights the fun and competition as the maximum forward for a very arcade title, not replayable more power and whose feelings you move to a rubber room
iOS 7.1: more speed and more stability

iOS 7.1: more speed and more stability

3/12/2014 Add Comment

The new update of Apple's mobile operating system, iOS 7.1 , has been received by users with great acceptance. The version of a 256 Mb download , has caused a small collapse on the servers, so many users have been unable to upgrade their handsets iPhone.

This update has been no more. Resolves several security issues reported on the iPhone 5S , the flagship firm Cupertino. Because of the
Apple releases iOS 7.1 to resolve errors

Apple releases iOS 7.1 to resolve errors

3/12/2014 Add Comment

The latest updates of the operating system had failed to repair "bugs" reported. The update enables support CarPlay the tool to a more fluid control of the iPhone from the car, as well as improvements assistant Siri

Apple just released a new update to its latest mobile operating system, iOS 7.1. intention of this new version is to solve a series of errors that users of iPhone 5S and other
Clash of Clans Cheats Guide

Clash of Clans Cheats Guide

3/11/2014 Add Comment
Some useful tips and tricks to play on your mobile or tablet

Well for all of you (even more so for those you begin, really) this is strategy guide Clash of Clans . First things first. This is a management game and therefore it is important to know to properly manage our resources. And what is the most valuable resource we will have? Well, interestingly, it is the human. Specifically, the
10 tips for Google Play all Android user should know

10 tips for Google Play all Android user should know

3/11/2014 Add Comment
Google Play is not just content. It is also a valuable tool for managing your different Android devices, configure notifications for applications and services, allowing automatic updates and customize your Android experience. Here are ten tips and tricks to get a more practical value of Google Play. 1. Manage your devices via the Web In addition to accessing the app store via the mobile device,
How to install Android applications on a BlackBerry

How to install Android applications on a BlackBerry

3/10/2014 Add Comment
Yes, BlackBerry 10 can run Android applications . However, the process of having and install Android apps is not entirely simple. This is how to do it in a really simple way.

Usually the process requires users to download the APK, the converted to a format compatible with BlackBerry 10 such as BAR and then install it through the command line or by using a Chrome extension. 

The new OS update,
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - PS4 impressions

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - PS4 impressions

3/07/2014 Add Comment

We recently took a trip to Hamburg, Germany, where the producer Naoki Yoshida introduced us study plans for Playstation 4 release Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn , and what we want to achieve with the game in the future. The good news is that there are many positive aspects for those of you buy you think the PS4 version when it comes out in April.

Let's start with first impressions. The
How to create your own flappy bird

How to create your own flappy bird

3/06/2014 Add Comment

The organization created a web application for common people who want to make their own version of the game Flappy Bird.

How to do it? Just add modules, which represent different movements.After the game give you the option to share it with friends on social networks